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Alles over Bluffen bordspellen

Wat is Bluffen

Heb je het wel of heb je het niet? Bij blufspellen moet je constant je eigen hand en de handen van de tegenstanders inschatten. Alle informatie heb je nooit, maar om te winnen zul je de beschikbare informatie naar je hand moeten zetten en de spelers om de tuin leiden door de acties die je uitvoert. Blufspellen bevatten door deze onzekerheid een groot element van spanning voor iedereen die meespeelt.

Nieuwe Bluffen bordspellen

Alle spellen: Bluffen

Boxart Bordspel Prijs Goedkoopst bij
1 Nacht Weerwolven & Waaghalzen
1 Nacht Weerwolven & Waaghalzen: Dageraad
1 Nacht Weerwolven & Waaghalzen: Vampiers
10 het Kaartspel € 13.90 Bol.com Partner
13 Days: The Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962 € 36.00 Spelshop.be
13 Ghosts € 14.99 Spelshop.be
3 Laws of Robotics
3 To 4 Headed Monster € 15.99 Spelshop.be
3000 Scoundrels € 46.95 BoardgameShop
4 Seasons € 9.60 Bol.com Partner
75 Gnom' Street € 34.88 Spellenvariant
A Fake Artist Goes to New York € 24.40 Spelshop.be
A Game of Thrones Bordspel 2nd Edition € 62.29 Bol.com Partner
A Game Of Thrones Het Bordspel: 2e Editie
Adel Verplicht
Agent Avenue € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Alcatraz: The Scapegoat
All You Need Is Love: Het Bordspel € 8.99 Bol.com Partner
Among Thieves € 24.50 Spelshop.be
Android Netrunner
Apotheca € 34.88 Spellenvariant
Arboretum € 36.95 Bol.com Partner
Arboretum Deluxe
Arctic Scavengers
Arctic Scavengers Base Game + HQ + Recon
Are You a Robot
Are You the Traitor
Atlas: Enchanted Lands € 22.99 Spelshop.be
Avalon Big Box
Bad Maps € 32.50 Spelshop.be
Bahamas € 18.90 Lotana
Balderdash (NL) € 26.94 Bol.com
Bang! - Het dobbelspel
Bang! - Kaartspel
Bang! Halo
Bang! The Bullet € 44.50 Spellenvariant
Bang! The Walking Dead
Banjooli Cross (NL) € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Barbarian Kingdoms € 53.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
BarBEARian: Battlegrounds
Barrakuda (ENG) € 18.75 Amazon.nl
Batman: The Animated Series Almost Got 'Im Card Game
Battlestar Galactica
Bear Raid
Bezzerwizzer (2020 Editie) € 37.95 Bol.com
Bezzerwizzer Nederlandse Editie
Biggen: Grote Biggen Editie
Biggen: Mopshond Editie
Bioshock Infinite
Black Friday € 45.98 Het Spelhuis
Black Gold
Black Skull Island
Blackrock City € 23.50 Spelshop.be
Blasting Billy € 14.18 Bol.com Partner
Blind Business € 14.49 CrowdFinder
Blood Bound
Blood Bound 2nd Edition
Blood On The Clocktower € 146.50 Everspel
Bluff You € 19.98 Het Spelhuis
Bokken Schieten € 19.00 Spelgezel
Bokken Schieten (Nieuwe Versie) € 15.89 Bol.com
Boogie Beasts € 19.95 Bol.com Partner
Book of Dragons
Breaking Bad: The Boardgame
Brieven uit Whitechapel € 39.99 Bol.com
Brigands € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Bugz [ENG] € 16.45 Spellenrijk
Burke's Gambit
Caesar & Cleopatra
Calavera € 17.98 Bol.com
Camel Up € 52.90 Spellenhuis
Camel Up 2nd Edition € 36.99 Bol.com
Camel Up: het Kaartspel € 15.49 Bol.com Partner
Camping Life
Candy Chaser
Capital Lux
Captain Bluff € 18.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls € 19.70 The Summoner
Cash 'n Guns
Cash 'n Guns: Second Edition
Catch The Mouse
Cattitude € 12.99 Bol.com Partner
Celestia € 25.95 Amazon.nl
Cheese Thief € 29.90 The Perfect Move
Cheese Thief (ENG) € 33.50 Coolshop
Chicago Poker € 13.97 Bol.com Partner
Citadels (2016 Edition)
Citadels: Classic
Clash of Vikings
Clocks € 48.95 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo (2016 Versie)
Cluedo (2017 versie) € 47.22 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo - Signature Collection € 32.99 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo Harry Potter 2nd Edition (ENG)
Cluedo Harry Potter 2nd Edition (NL)
Cluedo Junior € 26.26 Amazon.nl
Cluedo Kaartspel € 9.75 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo Leugenaarseditie € 25.99 Intertoys
Cluedo: Big Bang Theory € 61.97 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo: Game of Thrones
Cluedo: Harry Potter
Cluedo: Reiseditie € 17.49 The Playground
Cluedo: Rick And Morty € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo: Sherlock € 51.99 Bol.com
Code of Nine € 27.50 Spellenvariant
Cold War: CIA vs KGB
Colt Express (NL) € 29.99 Bol.com
Combo Fighter € 28.46 Spellenrijk
Concordia (ENG) € 40.94 Amazon.nl
Concordia (NL)
Confusion: Espionage and Deception in the Cold War
Conspiracy The Solomon Gambit
Cosmic Encounter € 70.99 The Playground
Coyote € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Creature Feature € 32.67 Spellenrijk
Crimson Crush € 9.00 Bol.com Partner
Crossfire € 18.00 Spelshop.be
Cult of the Deep € 45.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Curios € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Dark is the Night
Dark Moon
DC Spyfall € 37.50 Queen of Games
De Betoverde Toren € 38.99 Bol.com Partner
De Betoverde Toren Reiseditie € 17.00 Spelshop.be
De Hartenkoningin € 14.21 Bol.com Partner
De Weerwolven van Wakkerdam € 16.99 The Playground
De Weerwolven Van Wakkerdam: Het Pact Bordspel € 37.00 Lotana
Dead Man's Chest € 19.30 Lotana
Dead of Winter Base Game 2: The Long Night
Dead of Winter Base Game: A Crossroads Game € 70.00 Spelshop.be
Deadly Dinner: Killing Woodstock € 38.13 Amazon.nl
Deadwood 1876 € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Dealmaker € 21.98 Het Spelhuis
Deception: Murder in Hong Kong € 43.90 The Perfect Move
Detective Club (EN)
Detective Club (NL) € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Dicey Goblins € 20.00 Spelshop.be
Dieven € 12.20 Amazon.nl
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: Everything is Connected € 30.50 Spellenvariant
Divinity Derby
Dojo Kun € 55.99 Spelshop.be
Don't Drop the Soap € 18.44 Amazon.nl
Donkey Derby
Donkey Valley € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Doomtown: Reloaded € 47.99 Spelshop.be
Doura 1872 € 15.49 CrowdFinder
Downforce € 36.99 Bol.com
Dragon Ball Z - Over 9000 € 27.99 Bol.com Partner
Dragon Slayer
Dragon's Cave € 35.95 Bol.com Partner
Dragon's Gold
Drakenstad € 16.99 Bol.com Partner
Dread Curse
Dreadful Circus € 28.90 BoardgameShop
Drunken Sailor € 42.95 Bol.com Partner
Dune - Special Edition € 59.00 Spelshop.be
Dune: Betrayal € 14.49 CrowdFinder
Dungeon Busters
Earth Reborn
Eastern Empires
Eat Me If You Can € 18.99 Spelshop.be
Eed op de Kroon € 17.35 Bol.com Partner
Eigen Kweek € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Empire Engine € 14.40 Spelshop.be
Enigma: Beyond Code € 34.99 Bol.com Partner
Equinox - Groen € 21.75 The Summoner
Equinox - Paars € 21.75 The Summoner
Escape From New York € 58.49 CrowdFinder
Exodus Paris Nouveau € 14.75 Spelshop.be
Expedition: Congo River 1884
Fae Bordspel
Fairy € 16.98 Het Spelhuis
Fake News
Farlight € 26.20 Spelgezel
Fast Forward - Jackpot € 7.95 Bol.com Partner
Fast Forward: Spookuur € 19.30 Lotana
Fast Forward: Ten Aanval € 14.75 Spelshop.be
Festo € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Fightin Words
Filou: De Kat In De Zak € 13.20 Spelshop.be
Final Touch
Finish Line € 45.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Fired up
Fist of Dragonstones: Tavern Edition € 36.00 Spelgezel
Fluitende varkens
Fog Of Love € 50.50 Spellenvariant
Fog of Love Uitbreiding: It Will Never Last € 20.99 Spelshop.be
Fog of Love Uitbreiding: Paranormal Romance € 23.20 The Summoner
Fog of Love Uitbreiding: Trouble with the In-Laws
For Sale (ENG)
For Sale (NL)
For Sale 2021 (NL) € 17.94 Bol.com
Forbidden Stars
Forsaken Forest
Fox & Chicken Kaartspel € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
Fractured Sky € 59.99 The Playground
Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker € 37.99 Spelshop.be
Game Of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Geometric Art € 28.50 Spellenvariant
Get Bit Deluxe
Get Bit! € 24.99 The Playground
Gladiatores: Blood for Roses € 34.50 Spellenvariant
Gladius € 29.00 Spelshop.be
Global Crisis: A Cooperative Game of Future Earth
Go Goblin Go
Go Nuts For Donuts € 22.90 The Perfect Move
Gold Nugget € 44.00 Spelshop.be
Good Cop Bad Cop
Good Cop Bad Cop 3th Edition
Good Face Bad Face - Partygame € 15.99 The Playground
Graantje de Voorste € 17.86 Bol.com
Greedy Kingdoms € 40.95 Bol.com Partner
Guardians of Legends € 37.30 Lotana
Gyrating Hamsters
Harry Potter: Paralitis! € 34.88 Gameshop Twente
Havana € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Help Me € 17.60 Spelshop.be
Hidden Leaders € 24.38 Bol.com Partner
Hidden Leaders - Compacte Editie € 18.94 GaminBIZ
Hot Seat € 20.00 Amazon.nl
How DARE You?
How To Rob A Bank € 27.91 Amazon.nl
Human Punishment Social Deduction 2.0
Human Punishment: The Beginning € 38.70 The Summoner
Hunt the Ravager
iKnow € 35.99 Bol.com Partner
iKnow All In € 24.19 Bol.com Partner
iKNOW België € 18.60 Bol.com Partner
iKnow Hit List
iKnow Junior € 24.95 Bol.com Partner
iKNOW Nieuwe Editie € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
iKnow: De Wonderen Der Aarde € 14.98 Bol.com
iKnow: Europa
Import / Export € 45.94 Subcultures
Incan Gold
Insider € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Internal Affairs € 24.99 Spelshop.be
Invasion of the Cow Snatchers € 39.45 Bol.com Partner
John Company - Second Edition
Junggle € 16.39 Spelshop.be
Jungle Joust
Junta: Las Cartas
Justinianus € 13.99 Bol.com Partner
Keydom's Dragons € 33.49 CrowdFinder
Kill the Unicorns € 36.95 Bol.com Partner
King & Assassins Deluxe Edition € 43.50 Spelshop.be
Kingdoms Rise & Fall: Dorian
Kintsugi € 18.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Koehandel € 10.38 Amazon.nl
Koehandel Bordspel
Koehandel Festival € 10.47 Amazon.nl
Koehandel Master € 10.98 Amazon.nl
Kwis't € 32.99 Spelshop.be
La Casa de Papel Hidden Identity Game € 18.99 Bol.com Partner
La Cosa Nostra
Lady Alice
Legends of Luma: Oh Captain! € 22.13 Spelshop.be
Lemming Maffia
Let Them Eat Cake
Letter Of Marque
Letters from Whitechapel
Loch Ness € 24.00 Bol.com Partner
Long Shot: The Dice Game € 30.50 Spellenvariant
Lord Of The Rings: The Confrontation
Lost Legacy: Flying Garden
Lost Legacy: Sacred Grail & Staff of Dragons
Lost Legacy: The Starship
Lost Legacy: The Werewolf & Undying Heart
Lost Legacy: Vorpal Sword & Whitegold Spire
Lucha Jefe
M.O.R.P.H.O. (Morpho)
Machiavelli € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
Machiavelli Deluxe
Machiavelli Refresh € 22.99 Amazon.nl
Mafia: Vendetta
Magic: The Gathering: Ravnica Inquisition € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Mantis Falls
Maria € 36.42 Amazon.nl
Marrying Mr. Darcy € 43.94 Subcultures
Martinique € 29.45 Lotana
Mascarade - Revised Edition (ENG) € 24.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Mascarade - Revised Edition (NL) € 18.67 Amazon.nl
Matcha € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Mighty Monsters € 27.59 Spelshop.be
Millions of Dollars (2nd edition) € 20.00 Spelshop.be
Mindbug First Contact € 23.95 Boardgame Merchant
Mindbug: Beyond Eternity € 25.98 Het Spelhuis
Mindbug: Beyond Evolution € 25.98 Het Spelhuis
Mole Control € 11.94 Bol.com Partner
Naga Raja € 40.95 Bol.com Partner
Nanty Narking
New Angeles
New Salem € 31.99 Bol.com Partner
Noble Treachery € 24.20 The Summoner
Noises At Night € 29.00 Spelshop.be
Not Alone (ENG)
Not Alone (NL) € 29.45 Spellenrijk
Nothing Personal
Nothing Personal: Revised Edition
Nuns on the Run
Odd Shop € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Oh, Fox! € 28.00 Spelshop.be
Old Bill € 19.98 Bol.com
One Key € 24.00 Bol.com Partner
One Night Revolution € 30.50 Lotana
One Night Ultimate Alien € 28.50 Spelshop.be
One Night Ultimate Super Villains € 23.00 Bol.com Partner
One Night Ultimate Uitbreiding: Bonus Roles € 35.50 Spellenvariant
One Night Ultimate Vampire € 34.00 Spelshop.be
One Night Ultimate Werewolf
One Night Ultimate Werewolf - Daybreak
One Week Ultimate Werewolf
Oriflamme (ENG)
Oriflamme (NL) € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Oriflamme: Oproer € 16.90 Goede spellen
Orphan Black The Card Game € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Outlaws € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
OverbooKing € 22.45 Amazon.nl
Pagan: Fate of Roanoke € 39.83 Amazon.nl
Panic Station
Pappy Winchester € 29.50 Lotana
Paris 1889 € 28.49 CrowdFinder
Paris: New Eden € 34.95 Bol.com Partner
Patchistory € 49.99 Spelshop.be
Pathfinder: Revolution
Peaky Blinders € 31.28 Amazon.nl
Peaky Blinders: Faster Than Truth
Penoza het Bordspel
Perudo € 16.98 Bol.com
Perudo Beach € 22.08 Amazon.nl
Perudo: Jumbo Editie
Pigeon Pigeon € 22.94 Bol.com
Pirate 21 € 20.99 Spelshop.be
Piratenbuit € 12.40 Lotana
Poisons € 19.95 Bol.com Partner
Potemkin Empire € 30.75 Spelshop.be
Prehistories € 27.20 The Summoner
Prey Another Day € 17.91 Amazon.nl
Princess Jing € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Princess Legend € 16.00 Spelgezel
Prohis € 18.99 Spelshop.be
Pyramid Homeworlds
Pyramid Nomids
Random Encounter: Seas of the Sea Chicken
Rent A Hero € 17.08 Amazon.nl
Richelieu € 40.45 Lotana
Rising Sun € 69.50 Spellenvariant
Room 25: Ultimate € 48.50 Spellenvariant
Rumble in the Dungeon € 20.00 Spelshop.be
Runner up
Santo Domingo € 17.22 Bol.com Partner
Schnitzeljacht € 18.90 BoardgameShop
Schrodinger's Cats
Schrödingers Katten € 19.98 Bol.com
Sea or Shore € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Seasons kaartspel € 15.70 The Summoner
Secret Hitler
Secret Hitler - Deluxe editie (ENG) € 64.49 CrowdFinder
Seventh Hero € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
Shadow House: Masquerade
Shadows in Kyoto
Shadows over Camelot
Shadows over Camelot: The Cardgame
Shadows over Normandie
Sheriff of Nottingham
Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition (ENG)
Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition (NL) € 33.00 Bol.com
Sinister Circus € 22.99 Bol.com Partner
Skull Nieuwe Editie (NL) € 19.27 Amazon.nl
Soda Smugglers
Space Aztecs € 20.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Spectral € 45.90 Everspel
Stranger Things: Attack of the Mind Flayer € 21.00 Spelgezel
Stratego Quick Battle € 13.48 Amazon.nl
Tai Pan
Taj Mahal 2018 edition
Templar's Journey € 19.50 Spellenvariant
Ten Suns € 31.00 Lotana
Tenno € 14.70 The Summoner
That's not a Hat € 12.48 Amazon.nl
That's Not a Hat: Pop Culture € 10.48 Amazon.nl
The Boss
The Chameleon
The Court of Miracles € 35.90 BoardgameShop
The Dwarf King € 21.45 Spelspul.nl
The Epic Beard Game
The Fog of War
The Grimm Masquerade € 32.45 Everspel
The Hare and the Tortoise
The Hunt € 38.49 The Playground
The Lady and the Tiger
The Last Banquet € 30.50 Spellenvariant
The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight
The Princess Bride: A Battle of Wits
The Red Dragon Inn € 40.50 Spellenvariant
The Red Dragon Inn 2 € 39.88 Spellenvariant
The Red Dragon Inn 3 € 42.88 Spellenvariant
The Red Dragon Inn 4 € 42.50 Spellenvariant
The Red Dragon Inn 5: The Character Trove € 50.99 CrowdFinder
The Red Dragon Inn 6: Villains € 44.50 Spellenvariant
The Resistance € 25.98 Bol.com
The Resistance: Avalon € 22.99 Amazon.nl
The Snitch € 14.21 Spellenrijk
The Villagers € 20.00 Spelshop.be
The X-Files: The Board Game
Thunder And Lightning
Timeline Challenge
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tiny Epic Western € 27.99 Bol.com Partner
Tokyo Game Show € 53.58 Amazon.nl
Tokyo Jidohanbaiki € 42.99 Bol.com Partner
Tokyo Jutaku € 52.47 Amazon.nl
Tokyo Metro
Totem € 15.95 Bol.com Partner
Tragedy Looper
Tragedy Looper Uitbreiding: New Tragedies € 48.49 CrowdFinder
Trailblazers Uitbreiding: Sasquatch Expansion Pack
Trainsilvania € 20.30 Amazon.nl
Treasure Island € 45.95 Amazon.nl
Treasures of Cibola € 18.99 Spelshop.be
Tricks & Treats € 13.46 Spellenrijk
Tricky Druids € 26.00 Spelshop.be
Tricky Dungeon
True Blood: Night Eternal
True Colors
Tussie Mussie € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Twilight Squabble € 21.50 Lotana
Two Rooms and a Boom
Ultra Tiny Epic Kingdoms € 23.98 Het Spelhuis
Uly & Polly € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Unicorn Fever € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Vampire Empire
Veiled Fate € 112.50 Spelgezel
Velonimo (NL)
Vikings on Board € 25.50 Lotana
VivaJava The Coffee Game
Waka Tanka € 22.99 Bol.com Partner
Wavelength (ENG)
Wavelength (NL) € 29.95 Bol.com
Weerwolven & Waaghalzen
Weerwolven 1 Nacht € 11.28 Amazon.nl
Weerwolven Dageraad - Pocketspel € 11.88 Amazon.nl
Welcome Back to the Dungeon (ENG) € 18.99 Spelshop.be
Welcome Back to the Dungeon (NL) € 18.99 Spelshop.be
Welcome to the Dungeon (ENG) € 16.72 Amazon.nl
Welcome to the Dungeon (NL) € 17.44 Amazon.nl
Western Empires (ENG) € 105.98 Het Spelhuis
Western Legends € 66.00 Spelshop.be
Whale to Look € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
What The Cup! € 21.99 Bol.com Partner
What the Fog € 24.98 Bol.com
Whitehall Mystery € 48.50 Spellenvariant
Whitewater € 37.50 Spelshop.be
Wild Cards € 18.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Winner's Circle
Wizard € 13.98 Bol.com
Wonder Woods € 27.90 The Perfect Move
Yomi Menelker Deck
Yomi Persephone Deck
You Gotta Be Kitten Me
You Lying Sack € 17.13 Amazon.nl

Lees ook alles over andere bordspeltypes: Abstract spel, Bag Building, Behendigheid, Bieden, Bluffen, Breinbreker, Buitenspellen, Campagne/verhalend, Card drafting, Collectible Cardgame, Cooperatief, Deckbuilding, Dobbelspel, Educatief, Engine Building, Escape room, Eurogame, Expert Spel, Familiespel, Gateway game, Gebiedsverovering, Hand management, Kaartspel, Kinderspel, Legacy, Miniaturenspel, Party spel, Pesten, Pickup & Deliver, Programmable Movement, Push Your luck, Real Time, Reisspel, Roll & Write, Set Collection, Slagenspel/Trick taking, Solospel, Tile placement, Trivia, Tweespeler spel, Uitbreiding, Variabele spelerskrachten,