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Alles over Kaartspel bordspellen

Wat is Kaartspel

Al in de 17e eeuw werden ze in het Oude China gespeeld: kaartspellen. Het bekendste kaartspel tegenwoordig is het traditionele 52 stuks tellende kaartspel met harten, schoppen, ruiten en klaveren. Kaartspellen zijn er in allerlei soorten. Het is dan ook geen verrassing dat het belangrijkste onderdeel van een kaartspel kaarten zijn. Een spel kan volledig bestaan uit kaarten, denk aan Magic the Gathering . Ze kunnen ook een component zijn in een groter spel waarbij ze bijvoorbeeld grondstoffen of acties voorstellen.

Nieuwe Kaartspel bordspellen

Alle spellen: Kaartspel

Boxart Bordspel Prijs Goedkoopst bij
1 Nacht Weerwolven & Waaghalzen
1 Nacht Weerwolven & Waaghalzen: Dageraad
10 het Kaartspel € 13.90 Bol.com Partner
10 Minuten Kraak: De Tovenaarstoren
1066, Tears to Many Mothers: The Battle of Hastings Card Game
111 Ants € 15.34 Bol.com Partner
13 Ghosts € 14.99 Spelshop.be
13 Monsters € 31.45 De Spelletjes Vrienden
15 (International)
15 Go! € 10.98 Bol.com
1565, St. Elmo's Pay: The Great Siege of Malta Card Game
1655 Habemus Papam Kaartspel € 7.99 Bol.com Partner
1920 Wall Street € 21.00 Spelshop.be
2 Leugens 1 Waarheid € 22.94 Bol.com
20 Strong
3 Chapters € 17.98 Bol.com
3 Laws of Robotics
3 To 4 Headed Monster € 15.99 Spelshop.be
3 Wishes € 15.00 Spelshop.be
3012 Deck-Building Game € 34.49 Spelshop.be
4 Pints Please € 20.00 Spelshop.be
4 Seasons € 9.60 Bol.com Partner
40 Kaartspel
5 Alive € 6.99 Bol.com Partner
5 Seconden Reiseditie € 15.94 Top1Toys
5 Torens € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
5 Towers € 16.44 Amazon.nl
5-Minute Dungeon € 28.94 Alternate
50 Clues: De Pendel van de Dood € 20.50 Spelshop.be
50 Clues: Het Lot van Leopold € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
50 Clues: Witte Slaap € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
50 Grappige Spellen Voor Onderweg € 14.98 Bol.com
50 Streng Geheime Tips voor Detectives € 13.91 Bol.com
51st State - Ultimate Edition € 74.00 Spelshop.be
51st State Master Set
5211 € 18.20 Lotana
5211: Azul € 22.99 Bol.com Partner
6th Sense € 11.98 Bol.com
7 Rounds € 13.98 Het Spelhuis
7 Rounds - Tuckbox editie € 10.46 Spellenrijk
7 Souls € 21.99 CrowdFinder
7 Wonders 2nd Edition (ENG)
7 Wonders: Duel € 22.48 Amazon.nl
7 Wonders: Duel (ENG) € 35.00 Amazon.nl
9 Lives
A Column of Fire
A Duel Betwixt Us
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: At the Gates
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: Beneath the Red Keep
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: City of Secrets
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: Fury of the Storm
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: In Daznaks Pit € 20.48 Bol.com
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: Long May He Reign
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: Pit of Snakes
A Game of Thrones TCG 2nd Edition Uitbreiding: The Blackwater € 18.90 BoardgameShop
A Game of Thrones The Card Game 2nd Edition
A Game of Thrones: Hand of the King
A Royal Will € 30.80 Spelshop.be
A Thief's Fortune € 35.59 Spelshop.be
A Touch of Evil: Dark Gothic € 48.50 Spelshop.be
A Touch of Evil: Dark Gothic: Colonnial Horror
A Writhe - A Game of Eldritch Contortions
ABC Tovenarij € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Absolutely English
Abstract Academy € 11.49 CrowdFinder
Abyss (ENG) € 48.49 CrowdFinder
Ad Astra
Adult Mad Libs: the Game
Adventure Land (TGM) € 26.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Adventure Mart € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Adventure Time: Card Wars
Aeon's End (2nd Edition): Outcasts € 64.99 Subcultures
Aeon's End: Legacy of Gravehold € 104.00 Lotana
Afritoria € 12.35 Bol.com Partner
After the Virus
After Us € 37.90 Spellenhuis
Age of Comics: The Golden Years € 91.20 The Summoner
Agent Avenue € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Agent Hunter € 14.45 Lotana
Agropolis € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Águeda: City of Umbrellas € 55.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
AI: 100 percent Human € 35.00 Spelgezel
Air, Land & Sea
Air, Land & Sea: Spies, Lies & Supplies
Air, Land, and Sea: Critters at War € 21.45 Spellenrijk
Alarun € 17.95 Bol.com Partner
Aldabas: Doors of Cartagena € 20.99 CrowdFinder
AlderQuest € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Aleph Null € 31.00 Amazon.nl
Alhambra Kaartspel (Nederland Editie) € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Alice € 24.00 Spelshop.be
Alien Artifacts € 27.00 Spelshop.be
Alien Getaway € 11.94 Bol.com Partner
Allegra (ENG) € 21.98 Het Spelhuis
Allegra (NL) € 18.98 Bol.com
Alles kan erger € 18.98 Bol.com
Alles of Niets
Alpaca € 23.50 Spelshop.be
Althing € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
American Psycho: A Killer Game € 29.96 Spellenrijk
Among Nobles € 33.98 Het Spelhuis
Among Thieves € 24.50 Spelshop.be
Amul (ENG) € 21.50 Spellenvariant
Amul (NL) € 18.50 Spelshop.be
Ancient Knowledge € 35.90 Alternate
And Then We Held Hands
Andermans Veren
Android Netrunner
Animal Stories € 13.70 The Summoner
Animalia: Preventing Extinction € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Animix € 14.20 The Summoner
Anno 1800
Apocrypha € 44.70 The Summoner
Approaching Dawn: The Witching Hour € 67.99 Spelshop.be
Aquarium € 31.99 Spelshop.be
Aquatica (ENG) € 40.95 Boardgame Merchant
Aquatica (NL) € 47.50 Queen of Games
Aramini Circus
Arboretum € 23.99 Amazon.nl
Arboretum Deluxe
Arcana (Revised Edition) € 33.50 Spellenvariant
Architectura € 12.90 Everspel
Arctic Scavengers
Arctic Scavengers Base Game + HQ + Recon
Are You a Robot
Are You the Traitor
Arkham Horror TCG The Card Game
Arkham Horror TCG The Card Game - Revised Core Set € 55.39 Bol.com
Arkham Noir Case 3: Infinite Gulfs of Darkness € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Arkwright: The Card Game € 28.49 CrowdFinder
Arkwright: The Card Game [NL] € 40.45 Everspel
Around the World Fluxx
Art Decko € 36.88 Spellenvariant
Art Robbery € 18.49 Amazon.nl
Artifacts Inc.
Artisjokken € 15.11 Bol.com Partner
Artsee € 31.20 Amazon.nl
Asante € 20.82 Bol.com Partner
Ascension: Apprentice Edition € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Ascension: Darkness Unleashed
Ascension: Delirium
Ascension: Deliverance
Ascension: Dreamscape
Ascension: Eternal
Ascension: Gift of Elements
Ascension: Immortal Heroes
Ascension: Realms Unraveled
Ascension: Return of the Fallen € 33.50 Spelshop.be
Ascension: Rise of Vigil
Ascension: Skulls and Sails € 40.00 Spelshop.be
Ascension: Storm of Souls
Ascension: Valley of the Ancients
Ascension: Year Five Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Four Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year One Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Three Collector's Edition
Ascension: Year Two Collector's Edition
Ashes Reborn: Rise of the Phoenixborn € 53.13 Amazon.nl
Ashes: Rise of the Phoenixborn € 56.20 The Summoner
Astra € 32.50 Spellenvariant
Astro Drive € 19.30 Lotana
Atheneum: Mystic Library € 46.90 Everspel
Atlas: Enchanted Lands € 22.99 Spelshop.be
Attack On Titan: Deck Building Game
Audition € 14.98 Bol.com
Aurum € 18.48 Amazon.nl
Autumn Harvest: A Tea Dragon Society Game € 30.99 CrowdFinder
Avalon Big Box
Avant Carde € 26.45 Spellenrijk
Aventuria: Adventure Card Game
Awkward Family Photos
Aye, Dark Overlord The Green Box € 32.90 Spellenhuis
Aye, Dark Overlord The Red Box
Aye, Dark Overlord!
Baba Yaga € 20.98 Het Spelhuis
Bad Bones € 32.00 Spelgezel
Bad Choices € 27.99 Bol.com
Bad Medicine
Bahamas € 18.90 Lotana
Ballen met Stieren € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Bandida € 14.49 Amazon.nl
Bandido € 16.30 Lotana
Bang! - Kaartspel
Bang! Halo
Bang! The Bullet € 34.84 Amazon.nl
Bang! The Walking Dead
Bang!: The Duel € 30.94 Amazon.nl
Bardwood Grove € 56.00 Spelgezel
Bargain Hunter
Bargain Quest € 48.50 Spellenvariant
Barker's Row € 34.99 Bol.com Partner
Barrakuda (ENG) € 18.75 Amazon.nl
Basari: Kaartspel € 15.50 Spelshop.be
Baseball Highlights 2045
Battle Kittens
Battle Line
Battle of the Boybands € 25.49 CrowdFinder
BattleCON: Devastation of Indines
BattleCON: Fate of Indines
Bears VS Babies € 24.00 Bol.com Partner
Beasty Bar (ENG) € 17.31 Amazon.nl
Beasty Bar (NL)
Beasty Bar: Born to Be Wild € 15.86 Amazon.nl
Beasty Bar: New Beasts in Town € 16.12 Amazon.nl
Beeblio: The Alien Dictionary € 19.45 Spellenrijk
Beer & Bread € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Beer Money € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Bees: The Secret Kingdom € 27.98 Het Spelhuis
Behind the Throne € 26.45 Lotana
Belladone Bluff € 18.99 Bol.com Partner
Bequest € 45.49 CrowdFinder
Berried Treasure € 19.45 Spellenrijk
Betrayal: Deck of Lost Souls € 29.95 Amazon.nl
Betta € 27.00 Spelshop.be
Beverbende Kaartspel € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Beverclan € 14.48 Amazon.nl
Bewegende Dieren
Big Badaboom
Big Deal kaartspel
Bigfoot vs Yeti
Billionaire Banshee
Bios Genesis
Birds of a Feather
Birds of a Feather: Western North America € 33.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Hat
Black Hole Buccaneers € 16.41 Amazon.nl
Black Hole Buccaneers € 16.41 Amazon.nl
Black Party: Rust Zacht Sherlock € 16.58 Bol.com
Black Rose Wars
Black Skull Island
Black Sonata
Black Stories (ENG) € 17.82 Bol.com Partner
Black Stories (NL) € 16.45 Everspel
Black Stories 10 € 14.98 Bol.com
Black Stories 13 € 14.70 The Summoner
Black Stories 2 € 11.98 Bol.com
Black Stories 3 € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories 4 € 14.70 The Summoner
Black Stories 5 € 11.98 Bol.com
Black Stories 6 € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Black Stories 7 € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories 8 € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories 9 € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories Funny Death Edition € 12.71 Spellenrijk
Black Stories Holiday Edition € 13.94 Bol.com
Black Stories Real Crime Edition € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Black Stories Uni € 13.00 Spelshop.be
Black Stories: 5 over 12 € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories: Careful, Conspiracy! € 14.70 The Summoner
Black Stories: Christmas Edition
Black Stories: Daily Disasters € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories: Epic Fails € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories: Nightmare on Christmas € 13.94 Bol.com
Black Stories: Shit Happens € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Black Stories: VIP Fails € 14.70 The Summoner
Blade Runner 2049 Nexus Protocol € 28.00 Spelshop.be
Blank Slate € 28.99 Bol.com Partner
Blank Slate: Challenge € 20.99 Bol.com Partner
Blast € 9.95 Bol.com Partner
Blasting Billy € 15.20 The Perfect Move
Blaze: Kwartet € 9.98 Bol.com
Blind Business € 14.49 CrowdFinder
Blitzkrieg!: Wereldoorlog II in 20 minuten € 37.24 Stoneboxer
Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 minutes € 32.96 Amazon.nl
Blob Lobber
Block Out! € 21.98 Bol.com
Blood Bowl Team Manager: The Card Game
Bloodborne: The Card Game
Blossoms € 16.99 Spelshop.be
Blue Banana € 14.06 Amazon.nl
Blue Moon Legends
Blue Stories
Boerderij Weetjes Kwartet € 11.45 Spellenrijk
Boerderijdieren Weetjes Kwartet € 8.98 Bol.com
Boerenbridge € 12.34 Bol.com
Bokken Schieten € 19.00 Spelgezel
Bokken Schieten (Nieuwe Versie) € 15.89 Bol.com
Bon Appetit € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Bonje in de Stal
Bonsai (ENG) € 44.95 Bol.com Partner
Bonsai (NL) € 34.95 Bol.com
Boogie Beasts € 19.49 Bol.com Partner
Boomerang: Australia € 15.49 CrowdFinder
Boomerang: Europe € 14.99 CrowdFinder
Boomerang: USA € 15.99 CrowdFinder
Boonanza € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Boonanza: Al Caboon
Boonanza: Boon to be Wild
Boonanza: Jubileumeditie € 24.20 The Perfect Move
Borgia € 14.59 Bol.com Partner
Boss Monster (Boxed Card Game)
Boss Monster 2: The Next Level
Boss Monster 2: The Next Level Limited Edition
Boss Monster 3: Rise of Minibosses € 31.99 Spelshop.be
Boss Monster: 10th Anniversary Edition
Brain Train € 49.60 Bol.com Partner
Brainstorm € 13.25 Bol.com Partner
Brainwaves: The Astute Goose
Brainwaves: The Brilliant Boar
Brainwaves: The Wise Whale
BraveRats € 23.99 Bol.com Partner
Brazil: Imperial (ENG) € 50.50 Spellenvariant
Brazil: Imperial (NL) € 40.49 CrowdFinder
Breaking Bad: The Boardgame
Brood & Bier € 29.94 Alternate
Broom Service Kaartspel € 17.50 Lotana
Brutal Kingdom
Bruxelles 1897 (ENG) € 28.00 Spelshop.be
Bruxelles 1897 (NL)
Bugs € 18.50 Spelshop.be
Bugs On Rugs
Bugz [ENG] € 16.45 Spellenrijk
Buitenbeentjes € 24.45 Everspel
Bunny Party at Maple Valley
Burn in Hell
Burned Fried Potatoes € 22.94 Bol.com Partner
Butler Bell Game: Kunst en Cultuur
Buurman & Buurman: Kaartenhuisspel
Buurman & Buurman: Kwartet
Buzz it
Buzzed (ENG) € 24.95 Amazon.nl
Buzzed (NL)
Cabanga € 15.20 The Perfect Move
Cabo Deluxe Edition
Caesar & Cleopatra
Caesar!: Seize Rome in 20 Minutes!
Cahoots € 13.98 Bol.com
Call to Adventure Uitbreiding: Stormlight Archive
Call to Glory
Camel Up: Cards
Camel Up: Nieuwe Lading € 30.99 CrowdFinder
Camping Life
Canalis € 40.50 Lotana
Candy Lab € 22.90 The Perfect Move
Cangaceiros € 55.49 CrowdFinder
Cannibal Pygmies
Canopy € 34.50 Spellenvariant
Canvas € 49.95 Boardgame Merchant
Capcom Street Fighter Deck Building Game
Caper: Europe
Capital Lux
Capital Lux 2: Generations
Capo Della Mafia
Captain Bluff € 18.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Captain Marvel: Secret Skrulls € 19.70 The Summoner
Car Wars: Card Game
Card of the Dead
Cardcassonne: Het Carcassonne Kaartspel
Cards Against Disney
Cards Against Humanity - International Edition € 39.99 Bol.com
Cards Against Humanity - UK Edition V2.0 € 49.45 Spellenrijk
Cards Against Humanity - US Edition € 46.90 The Perfect Move
Cards Against Humanity Crabs Adjust Humidity (Omniclaw Edition)
Cards Against Muggles
Cards Against Star Wars
Cards VS Gravity € 16.20 The Perfect Move
Cardweaver € 47.00 Spelshop.be
Carnival of Monsters (ENG)
Carnival of Monsters (NL)
Cars 3: Piston Cup Race
Cars 3: Uno € 19.99 Bol.com Partner
Carson City: The Card Game € 14.95 Bol.com Partner
Cartagena (NL) € 23.50 Spelshop.be
Cartaventura: Lhasa € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Cartaventura: Vinland € 16.75 Bol.com Partner
Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Cartoon Network Crossover Crisis Deck-Building Game
Cash 'n Guns
Cash 'n Guns: Second Edition
Casper & Emma: Kwartet € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Cat Box
Cat Horror Festival € 21.98 Het Spelhuis
Cat in the Box - Deluxe Edition (ENG) € 27.99 Amazon.nl
Cat in the Box - Deluxe Edition (NL) € 29.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Cat Lady € 25.95 Boardgame Merchant
Catan: het Duel - Donkere en Gouden Tijden € 26.98 Bol.com
Catan: Het Duel Big Box
Catan: Het Duel Kaartspel € 29.30 Bol.com Partner
Cattitude € 12.99 Bol.com Partner
Caylus: Magna Carta Kaartspel € 23.50 Lotana
Century: De Specerijenroute
Century: Golem Edition
Century: Golem Edition (NL)
Challenge of the Superfriends € 16.20 The Summoner
Challengers 2! € 37.95 Boardgame Merchant
Challengers! € 27.61 Amazon.nl
Challengers! Beach Cup € 36.59 Stoneboxer
Chaos & Alchemy
Chaos Marauders
Check! De beste zet! € 17.34 Bol.com Partner
Checkpoint Charlie € 25.24 Stoneboxer
Chelsea FC Speelkaarten € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Chez Cthulhu
Chez Geek: House Party Edition
Chicago Poker € 13.97 Bol.com Partner
Chicken Out € 14.94 Bol.com
Chili Mafia Deluxe Edition
Chiseled € 23.49 CrowdFinder
Chiyo's Secret € 30.00 Spelshop.be
Chocobo's Crystal Hunt: The Card Game
Christmas Tree
Chronicles of Crime: 2400 (ENG) € 35.00 Spelshop.be
Chronicles of Frost
Chu Han € 29.99 The Playground
Circus € 19.45 Everspel
Citadels (2016 Edition)
Citadels: Classic
Civ: Carta Impera Victoria € 18.98 Het Spelhuis
Claim € 13.98 Bol.com
Claim 2 € 11.85 Bol.com Partner
Claim 2 Pocket € 12.45 Lotana
Claim 5 jaar Jubileumeditie (NL) € 34.90 BoardgameShop
Claim Kingdoms € 15.99 The Playground
Claim Kingdoms: Royal Edition € 44.58 Bol.com Partner
Claim Pocket € 11.70 The Summoner
Clash of Magic Schools € 25.50 Lotana
Classic Pocket Box Games Bundle
Click! The Great Wall € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Cloudy Kingdom € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Clown Face € 10.99 Bol.com Partner
Cluedo Kaartspel € 8.48 Amazon.nl
Coatl The Card Game € 15.99 CrowdFinder
Coco Candy
Codex Naturalis
Cogs and Commissars
Cold War: CIA vs KGB
Collect a Lotl € 13.74 Bol.com Partner
Collect a Zombie € 15.20 The Perfect Move
Color a Do
Color Addict € 11.75 The Summoner
Color Flush € 15.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Color Smash
Coloretto Kaartspel € 13.94 Bol.com
Commotie in het Museum Kwartet
Compile Main 1 € 25.99 CrowdFinder
Complimenten Spel Autisme € 20.99 Bol.com Partner
Complimentenspel € 20.99 Bol.com Partner
Conex € 18.00 Bol.com Partner
Coney € 26.78 Bol.com Partner
Confetti Kaartspel
Conflicting Legends
Confusion Kaartspel
Conspiracy: Abyss Universe - Blauwe Versie € 17.98 Het Spelhuis
Conspiracy: Abyss Universe - Gele Versie € 19.00 Spelshop.be
Conspiracy: Abyss Universe - Groene Versie € 19.00 Spelshop.be
Conspiracy: Abyss Universe - Paarse Versie € 18.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Conspiracy: Abyss Universe - Rode Versie € 19.00 Spelshop.be
Convoy € 24.00 Bol.com Partner
Coraline - Beware the Other Mother
Core Worlds
Cortex Challenge 2 € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Cortex Challenge 3 € 17.92 Amazon.nl
Cortex Challenge GEO € 19.50 Spelshop.be
Cortex Challenge Kids € 18.98 Bol.com
Cortex Challenge: The Brain Game € 18.98 Bol.com
CorteXxx Confidential
Cosmic Encounter: Duel € 33.48 Amazon.nl
Council of Blackthorn € 47.20 Spelshop.be
Countdown: Special Ops (ENG)
Countdown: Special Ops (NL) € 26.99 Bol.com Partner
Coup Rebellion G54 € 30.98 Het Spelhuis
Covert € 44.49 Spelshop.be
Cowboy Bebop Space Serenade € 63.50 Spellenvariant
Coyote € 16.00 Spelshop.be
Crabs! € 26.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Crave € 35.25 Amazon.nl
Crazy Creatures of Dr. Doom
Crazy Fishing
Crazy Sherlock € 15.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Creature Caravan
Creepeas € 17.98 Bol.com
Crime Scene: ISS Excalibur 2049 € 12.98 Bol.com
Crime Zoom: Ongeluksvogel € 15.70 The Summoner
Crime Zoom: Zijn Laatste Kaart € 14.49 Bol.com Partner
Crimson Crush € 9.00 Bol.com Partner
Critters At War: Flies, Lies & Supplies € 20.95 Amazon.nl
Crooks € 14.48 Amazon.nl
Cross Clues (NL)
Crows Overkill
Cthulhu Realms
Cthulhu The Great Old One - Deluxe Edition
CuBirds € 18.35 Bol.com Partner
Cubosaurus € 19.90 The Perfect Move
Cup King € 23.99 Bol.com Partner
Custom Heroes
Cutthroat Caverns
Cutthroat Caverns: Anniversary Edition
D-Spirits Soul Snatchers Deluxe Boosterbox € 65.98 Het Spelhuis
D-Spirits: Soul Snatchers Boosterpack € 7.50 The Summoner
D-Spirits: Starter Deck Blauw (Damian) € 16.70 The Summoner
D-Spirits: Starter Deck Rood (Atlus) € 16.70 The Summoner
Daemon Trilogy: Subrosa
Dale of Merchants € 24.50 Lotana
Dance Of The Fireflies
Danger Danger € 22.44 Amazon.nl
Daring Contest
Daring Contest: Family Edition
Dark Domains
Dark Legacy The Rising Starter: Chaos vs Tech
Dark Legacy The Rising Starter: Darkness vs Divine
Dark Legacy The Rising Starter: Earth vs Wind
Dark Matter € 14.75 The Summoner
Dark Souls: The Card Game € 53.00 Spelshop.be
Dark Tales
Darwin's Choice € 57.50 Spellenvariant
Dastardly Dirigibles € 27.00 Spelshop.be
Dat had ik moeten weten € 24.30 Lotana
Daxu € 20.82 Bol.com Partner
DC Comics Deck Building Game Multiverse Box
DC Comics Deck-Building Game
DC Comics Deck-Building Game Rivals: Batman vs Joker € 26.54 Amazon.nl
DC Comics Deck-Building Game Rivals: Green Lantern vs Sinestro € 26.53 Amazon.nl
DC Comics Deck-Building Game Uitbreiding: Confrontations € 50.11 Amazon.nl
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Dark Nights Metal € 47.20 The Summoner
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Forever Evil € 47.02 Amazon.nl
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Heroes Unite € 48.50 Spellenvariant
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Rebirth € 49.40 Amazon.nl
DC Comics Deck-Building Game: Teen Titans € 45.29 Amazon.nl
DC Rivals 2: Green Lantern vs Sinestro € 26.53 Amazon.nl
DC Spyfall € 37.50 Queen of Games
De Bezeten Fles
De Boze Wolf € 16.94 Subcultures
De Chinese Muur
De Crew: Missie Diepzee € 16.48 Amazon.nl
De Crew: Op Weg Naar De 9e Planeet € 15.48 Amazon.nl
De Grote Dalmuti € 12.48 Amazon.nl
De Grote Spelletjesverzameling van HABA € 41.00 Spelshop.be
De Hartenkoningin € 13.74 Bol.com Partner
De Heersers Van De Nijl
De Hobbit Bordspel
De Kathedraal: Het Kaartspel
De Legenden van Andor: Chada en Thorn
De Magische Markt van Cameloot € 14.48 Amazon.nl
De Piramides Van De Jaguar € 16.44 Valhalla Boardgames
De Ruimteschepen Van Catan
De Schat van Kadora € 12.85 Bol.com Partner
De Vos in het Bos € 16.44 Alternate
De Vos in het Bos: Duet € 16.90 BoardgameShop
Deadly Dowagers € 33.82 Amazon.nl
Deadwood 1876 € 25.49 CrowdFinder
Deal and Steal
Dealmaker € 21.98 Het Spelhuis
Death over the Kingdom
Decktective: Bloody-red Roses
Decktective: The Gaze of the Ghost
Dedectivo € 8.99 Bol.com Partner
Deep Fried Potatoes € 22.94 Bol.com Partner
Delicious € 33.45 Everspel
Detective Club (EN)
Detective Club (NL) € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Dexterity Jane € 17.95 Bol.com Partner
Diamonds 2nd Edition
Dice Throne Season Two: Cursed Pirate VS Artificer € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Dice Throne Season Two: Vampire vs Seraph € 37.74 Stoneboxer
Dice Throne: Season One (Second Print)
Dice Throne: Season One Rerolled – Barbarian v. Moon Elf
Dice Throne: Season One Rerolled – Monk v. Paladin € 40.20 The Summoner
Dice Throne: Season One Rerolled – Pyromancer v. Shadow Thief € 36.00 Spelshop.be
Dice Throne: Season One Rerolled – Treant v. Ninja € 31.00 Spelshop.be
Dice Throne: Season Two Gunslinger v Samurai
Dice Throne: Season Two Tactician vs Huntress € 34.90 Lotana
Dicebot Megafun € 22.79 Spelshop.be
Dieren Geklets € 15.17 Bol.com Partner
Dieren van de Wereld € 14.21 Spellenrijk
Dieven € 12.20 Amazon.nl
Dino Battle
Dino Challenge Black € 15.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dino Challenge Blue
Dino Race € 18.50 Spelshop.be
Dino Weetjes Kwartet € 11.45 Spellenrijk
Dino World € 16.99 Bol.com Partner
Dinosaur Tea Party € 26.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency: Everything is Connected € 30.50 Spellenvariant
Dirty Neighbors
Disney Villainous
Disney Villainous Uitbreiding 1: Wicked To The Core € 29.99 Bol.com
Disney Villainous Uitbreiding 2: Evil Comes Prepared € 23.99 Amazon.nl
Disney Villainous Uitbreiding 3: Perfectly Wretched € 20.39 Amazon.nl
Disney Villainous Uitbreiding 4: Despicable Plots € 40.00 Spelshop.be
Disney Villainous: Introduction to Evil € 25.59 Amazon.nl
Disney Villains kaartspel € 14.24 Alternate
Disney: Shadowed Kingdom € 27.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
District Noir € 17.78 Amazon.nl
Disturbed Friends € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Dobbelkoning € 22.00 Lotana
Dobbers: Quest for the Key
Dobble € 15.22 Amazon.nl
Dobble 360
Dobble Connect € 16.48 Amazon.nl
Dobble: Beach € 18.44 Amazon.nl
Dobble: Belgie € 21.98 Het Spelhuis
Dobble: Cars
Dobble: Chrono
Dobble: Collector € 20.49 Amazon.nl
Dobble: Finding Dory
Dobble: Gourmandise € 16.44 Amazon.nl
Dobble: Harry Potter € 18.08 Amazon.nl
Dobble: Kids € 16.50 Spelshop.be
Doctor Who: the Card Game € 39.50 Spelshop.be
Dodelido € 14.48 Amazon.nl
Dodos Riding Dinos
Dog Cards € 19.98 Bol.com Partner
Don Juan € 11.58 Bol.com Partner
Don't Drop the Soap € 17.48 Amazon.nl
Don't Go In There
Don't Look At Me
Don't Mess With Cthulhu Deluxe € 18.95 Amazon.nl
Don't Wake Up Cthulhu € 23.44 Valhalla Boardgames
Donkey Valley € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Doodle Dice
Doomtown: Reloaded € 47.99 Spelshop.be
Dope or Nope € 17.88 Gameshop Twente
Dora Kwartet 2e editie
Dora: Kwartet € 11.27 Bol.com Partner
Doura 1872 € 15.49 CrowdFinder
Draak Dondertand Kwartet
Dracula vs Van Helsing (NL) € 23.90 The Perfect Move
Dragon Ball Z - Over 9000 € 27.99 Bol.com Partner
Dragon Parade
Dragon Pets
Dragon's Gold
Dragon's Hoard
Dragondraft € 24.90 Bol.com Partner
Dragons € 15.74 Spelshop.be
Drakenherders € 29.95 Stoneboxer
Drakenstad € 16.99 Bol.com Partner
Dread Curse
Dread Draw
Dream On
Drinking Games For People Who Never Drink € 24.98 Bol.com Partner
Droomcruise € 35.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Drunk Stoned or Stupid € 21.06 Amazon.nl
Drunk Stoned or Stupid (NL) € 20.98 Bol.com
Duck (ENG)
Duck (NL) € 13.50 Bol.com Partner
Duck and Cover € 19.44 Amazon.nl
Duel of Wands Kids on Brooms € 27.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Duelosaur Island
Duits Taalkwartet € 13.94 Bol.com
Dulce € 40.95 BoardgameShop
Dune: Betrayal € 14.49 CrowdFinder
Dungeon Draft
Dungeon Roll: Dungeon of Fortune € 32.50 Spelshop.be
Dungeon Rush € 17.50 Bol.com Partner
Dungeon Twister: Card Game € 25.45 Lotana
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Dungeon Mayhem € 54.00 Amazon.nl
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D): Rock Paper Wizard
Dungeons & Dragons: The Great Dalmuti € 19.98 Bol.com
Durf je € 22.94 Bol.com
Dweebies € 18.00 Bol.com Partner
Earthborne Rangers - Core Set
Eaten By Zombies: In Cahoots
Ecosfera: Rewilding the World
Ecosystem: Savanna € 25.00 Spelshop.be
Eigen Kweek € 14.99 Bol.com Partner
Eight Minute Empire: Legends
El Grande € 42.95 BoardgameShop
El Grande Big Box
Elawa € 21.50 Lotana
Elder Sign € 46.00 Lotana
Elixer Mixer € 10.48 Amazon.nl
Eminent Domain
Emoji Twist
Empire Engine € 14.40 Spelshop.be
Endless Pass: A Viking Saga
Endogenesis (Second Edition)
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards II: Rumble at Castle Tentakill € 37.90 Spellenhuis
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards III: Melee at Murdershroom Marsh € 37.06 Amazon.nl
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards IV: Panic at the Pleasure Palace € 37.90 Spellenhuis
Epic Spell Wars of the Battle Wizards: Duel at Mt. Skullzfyre € 35.80 Amazon.nl
Epic: Card Game: Duels
Epic: Card Game: Starter € 13.31 Amazon.nl
Epoch € 57.99 Spelshop.be
Equinox - Groen € 21.75 The Summoner
Equinox - Paars € 21.75 The Summoner
Er is een Moord Gepleegd € 10.85 Bol.com Partner
Escape From New York € 58.49 CrowdFinder
Escape Tales: Children of Wyrmwoods € 20.20 The Summoner
Escape Tales: Het Ritueel € 22.49 Bol.com Partner
Escape Tales: Kinderen van Wyrmwoods € 31.20 The Summoner
Escape Tales: Low Memory (ENG) € 24.40 Spelshop.be
Escape Tales: Low Memory (NL) € 20.89 Bol.com Partner
Escape Tales: The Awakening € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Escape the Dark Castle
Escher Up & Down Speelkaarten
Eternal Chronicles of the Throne € 30.50 Spellenvariant
Eternitium € 26.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Europa Base Alpha € 49.88 Spellenvariant
Evangelion Card Game: Asuka Shikinami Langley & Kaworu Nagisa
Evangelion Card Game: Shinji Ikari & Rei Ayanami
Evenfall € 62.50 Spelgezel
Everdell (ENG) € 59.95 Boardgame Merchant
Everdell (NL) € 54.63 Bol.com Partner
Everdell - Collector's Edition € 99.00 Bol.com Partner
Everdell - The Complete Collection € 315.00 Spelshop.be
Everdell Luxe Speelkaarten € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Everdell: Duo € 38.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Everstone: Discovering Ignis
Everyone Loves A Parade € 23.59 Spelshop.be
Evolution: Another World € 38.00 Spelshop.be
Evolution: Climate € 66.50 Spelshop.be
Evolution: Oceans Limited Edition € 62.50 Spelgezel
Evolution: The Beginning
Excavation Earth € 69.08 Amazon.nl
Exiled Legends
Existenz: On the Ruins of Chaos
Exit Kids: Raadselplezier in de Jungle € 19.94 Top1Toys
Exit Kids: Raadselplezier met Monsters € 18.98 Bol.com
Exodus Paris Nouveau € 14.75 Spelshop.be
Expeditie Robinson: De Eilandraad € 16.98 Bol.com Partner
Expedition: Congo River 1884
Exploding Kittens (ENG) € 23.91 Amazon.nl
Exploding Kittens (NL) € 26.98 Het Spelhuis
Exploding Kittens Bundel
Exploding Kittens NSFW 18+ Editie (NL) € 18.75 Spelshop.be
Exploding Kittens Uitbreiding: Party Pack (ENG) € 27.94 Subcultures
Exploding Kittens: Cat Burglar Editie € 27.98 Het Spelhuis
Exploding Kittens: Good vs Evil (ENG) € 23.09 Amazon.nl
Exploding Kittens: Good vs Evil (NL) € 22.48 Amazon.nl
Exploding Kittens: NSFW Edition (ENG) € 26.95 Bol.com
Exploding Minions € 24.67 Amazon.nl
Exploding Minions (NL) € 20.99 CrowdFinder
Express: The Railroad Card Game € 26.99 Amazon.nl
Eye n Speed € 20.10 Lotana
Ezelen € 10.98 Bol.com
Face Cards € 22.99 Bol.com Partner
Fairy € 16.98 Het Spelhuis
Fairy Lights € 20.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Fairy Season € 15.49 CrowdFinder
Fake News
Familiar Tales € 77.20 Amazon.nl
Familie Poen € 10.97 Bol.com
Fancy Feathers
Fantastic Factories
Fantasy Fluxx
Fantasy Realms € 26.20 The Summoner
Fantasy Realms: Deluxe Edition € 43.49 CrowdFinder
Faraway (NL) € 24.99 Intertoys
Farm Alarm
Fast & Furious: Full Throttle
Fast Food Fury € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Fast Forward - Jackpot € 7.95 Bol.com Partner
Fast Forward: Op de vlucht € 12.25 Spelshop.be
Fast Forward: Spookuur € 19.30 Lotana
Fast Forward: Ten Aanval € 14.75 Spelshop.be
Fat Cats € 17.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Fat Fish € 10.98 Amazon.nl
FC Kip
Feelinks: The Game of Emotions
Feit of Fictie € 19.98 Het Spelhuis
Fields of Green € 49.99 Bol.com Partner
Fifty Fifty
Fightin Words
Fika (ENG)
Fika (NL) € 15.20 The Perfect Move
Final Touch
Fine Sand € 45.70 Lotana
Fire in the Hole
First Class € 59.95 Bol.com Partner
First Contact
Fischen € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Five Crowns
Flashback Zombie Kidz € 28.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Flip 7 € 20.94 Alternate
Flip City
Flip City Uitbreiding: ReUse
Flip the bird
Flits € 12.99 CrowdFinder
Floriferous € 33.49 The Playground
Flotsam Fight € 22.00 Spelshop.be
Flourish -Signature Edition-
Fluttering Souls
Fluxx € 29.37 Bol.com Partner
Fluxx 5.0 € 14.21 Bol.com
Fluxx Anatomy
Fluxx Astronomy € 21.70 The Summoner
Fluxx Creeper Pack
Fluxx Drinking Game € 32.00 Spelshop.be
Fluxx Math € 27.45 Spellenrijk
Fluxx Remixx € 18.99 CrowdFinder
Fluxx Star Trek
Fluxx Star Trek Deep Space Nine € 30.99 Bol.com Partner
Fluxx Star Trek The Next Generation
Fluxx Star Trek Uitbreiding: Bridge Expansion
Fluxx Star Trek Voyager
Fluxx Uitbreiding: Blanxx € 7.99 Bol.com Partner
Fluxx Uitbreiding: Dice
Fluxx: Adventure Time
Fluxx: Batman
Fluxx: Cartoon Network
Fluxx: Chemistry
Fluxx: Cthulhu
Fluxx: Doctor Who
Fluxx: Fairy Tale
Fluxx: Firefly
Fluxx: Holiday € 27.98 Het Spelhuis
Fluxx: Jumanji
Fluxx: Martian
Fluxx: Marvel
Fluxx: Monster
Fluxx: Monthy Python
Fluxx: Nature
Fluxx: Pirate
Fluxx: Regular Show
Fluxx: SpongeBob Squarepants
Fluxx: Star (Wars)
Fluxx: Stoner
Fluxx: The Boardgame
Fluxx: Wizard of Oz
Fluxx: Zombie € 22.99 Spelshop.be
Food Truck Champion
Foodie € 19.99 Bol.com Partner
Foodie Forest (ENG) € 25.90 Spellenhuis
Foodie Forest (NL) € 20.98 Bol.com
For Northwood! a Solo Trick-Taking Game
For Sale (ENG)
For Sale (NL)
For Sale 2021 (NL) € 17.94 Bol.com
For The Girls € 27.44 Amazon.nl
For the King (and Me) € 22.37 Amazon.nl
Forest Kaartspel € 16.00 Lotana
Forest Shuffle (ENG) € 33.90 The Perfect Move
Forest Shuffle (NL) € 27.99 Top1Toys
Forsaken Forest
Franks Zoo Kaartspel € 13.70 The Summoner
Frans Taalkwartet € 10.01 Bol.com
Freaky Frogs from Outaspace € 31.00 Spelshop.be
French Toast € 27.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Fried Potatoes € 24.45 Spellenrijk
Friends Speelkaarten
Frieses Landlord
Frozen 2: Woordkwartet
Fruit Ninja Combo Party € 19.59 Spelshop.be
Fruit Ninja Combo Party (ENG)
Fugitive (Second Edition) € 47.99 Bol.com Partner
Fuji Flush
Fungeon Party
Funky Monkey € 31.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Funny Farm
Funny Lines € 27.75 Amazon.nl
Furnace € 37.50 Spellenvariant
Furnace [NL] € 36.00 Spelshop.be
G.I. Joe Deck-Building Game
Galactic Renaissance € 60.15 Amazon.nl
Galactic Scoundrels
Galapa Go € 26.00 Spelshop.be
Galaxy Rush € 35.20 The Summoner
Game Box € 18.99 Bol.com Partner
Game of Crowns € 28.05 Spelshop.be
Game Of Phones € 19.88 Gameshop Twente
Game of Thrones: Oathbreaker € 37.99 Spelshop.be
Game of Thrones: The Trivia Game
Game of Thrones: Westeros Intrigue
Game of Trains € 14.98 Bol.com
Gang of Four € 23.98 Het Spelhuis
Gang Up! € 14.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Gangs of Kyoto
Gangster City
Ganjaland € 34.45 Spellenrijk
Gap Card Game
Gappen & Happen € 17.95 Bol.com Partner
Garden Guests € 39.35 Amazon.nl
Garden Variety € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Gasha € 12.45 Spellenrijk
Gateway Uprising € 37.00 Queen of Games
Gears Of War: The Card Game € 36.44 Alternate
Geef een Hint € 32.28 Amazon.nl
Geek Out! Disney € 26.45 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Geen Ja Geen Nee € 20.98 Bol.com
Geen Ja Geen Nee Reiseditie € 15.94 Top1Toys
Geen Ja Geen Nee: Uncensored € 23.98 Het Spelhuis
Gem Dealer
Gen7: A Crossroads Game € 75.00 Bol.com Partner
Geroezemoes € 17.45 Lotana
Geruite Rij-tjes € 12.71 Spellenrijk
Gesjaakt (aka No Thanks) € 15.98 Bol.com
Get It! € 13.49 CrowdFinder
Get Me a Fresh Brain
Get Nuts
Get on Board: Paris and Roma € 31.45 Spelspul.nl
Get On Board: Paris and Roma (NL) € 27.99 Bol.com
Gevangen op Zee € 17.94 Bol.com
Ghooost (NL)
Ghooost! (ENG)
Ghosts Love Candy € 22.99 Bol.com Partner
Ghosts of Christmas € 25.98 Het Spelhuis
Giant City € 20.97 Amazon.nl
Gift of Tulips € 24.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Give Me The Brain - Superdeluxe Edition
Gizmos 2nd Edition € 49.88 Spellenvariant
Gladiator: Quest for the Rudis € 66.50 Spelshop.be
Gladiatores: Blood for Roses € 34.50 Spellenvariant
Gladius € 29.00 Spelshop.be
Global Crisis: A Cooperative Game of Future Earth
Gloom of Kilforth: A Fantasy Quest Game
Gloom of Thrones
Go Nuts For Donuts € 22.90 The Perfect Move
Gobblers Family Mix € 42.95 Bol.com Partner
Goblin Teeth
Goblins Drool Fairies Rule
God Of War: The Card Game € 44.00 Spelshop.be
Godsforge € 35.90 BoardgameShop
Gold Nugget € 44.00 Spelshop.be
Golden Creek € 24.00 Spelshop.be
Good Omens: An Ineffable Game € 32.45 Spellenrijk
Gooische Koeien € 15.95 Bol.com Partner
Gorus Maximus € 25.10 Lotana
Goths Save The Queen € 18.99 Spelshop.be
GoTown € 14.44 AAN! Tafel
Gouden Speelkaarten € 8.99 Bol.com Partner
Graantje de Voorste € 19.94 Top1Toys
Grave Robbers II: Skippys Revenge
Gravwell - 2nd Edition € 41.50 Spellenvariant
Gravwell: Escape from the 9th Dimension
Great Scott
Green Box of Games € 37.29 Amazon.nl
Green Stories € 13.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Gremlins Holiday Havoc € 14.50 Spelshop.be
Grifters € 28.99 Bol.com Partner
Grifters Nexus € 21.00 Queen of Games
Grimboudplein 12 (Harry Potter) (76408) € 199.99 Bol.com Partner
Grimslingers: Advanced Duels
Grimslingers: Duels
Grind House
Groundhog Day: The Game
Grove € 18.90 BoardgameShop
Guardians € 30.50 Spellenvariant
Gudetama: The Tricky Egg Card Game
Gudetama: The Tricky Egg Card Game - Holiday Edition
Guillotine € 17.94 Bol.com Partner
Gumball Rally
Gunkimono € 42.50 Spellenvariant
Hagoth Builder of Ships € 24.45 Lotana
Halli Galli € 16.48 Amazon.nl
Halli Galli Extreme € 14.99 Amazon.nl
Halli Galli Junior € 16.48 Amazon.nl
Halli Galli Party € 12.75 Spelshop.be
Halli Galli Zomerpret
Halli Galli: Twist € 15.49 CrowdFinder
Hanabi (ENG)
Hanabi (NL) € 14.89 Bol.com Partner
Hanabi Deluxe
Hanabi Deluxe II
Hanabi in Blik € 17.99 The Playground
Hanafuda € 17.45 Spellenrijk
Hands € 15.50 Lotana
Hands Up € 16.98 Bol.com
Hands up!
Happy Endings
Happy Little Dinosaurs (ENG) € 21.75 Boardgame Merchant
Happy Little Dinosaurs (NL) € 25.48 Bol.com
Happy Salmon (ENG)
Happy Salmon (NL)
Happy Salmon - Partyspel € 14.47 Amazon.nl
Hapy Families € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Harry Potter Sagaland € 10.98 Amazon.nl
Harry Potter Speelkaarten
Harry Potter Speelkaarten: 2nd Edition € 7.71 Bol.com
Hartenjagen € 5.60 Bol.com Partner
Harvest Island € 23.99 Bol.com Partner
Havana € 44.99 Bol.com Partner
Hawken: Sharpshooter vs Bruiser € 19.50 Spelshop.be
Heb Jij Dit Ooit Gedaan € 24.94 Bol.com
Hector en Achilles € 11.90 Bol.com Partner
Heel Weiland Bakt! € 12.45 Spellenrijk
Helios Expanse € 30.20 The Summoner
Hello Neighbor: The Secret Neighbor Party Game € 26.50 Spelshop.be
Hero Realms € 26.99 Bol.com Partner
Heroes of Metro City € 52.00 Lotana
Heroes of Normandy: The Tactical Cardgame
Heroes of Tenefyr
Heroes of Terrinoth
Heroes of Thargos € 25.30 Lotana
Herrlof € 11.75 Spellenzaak.nl
Het Beste van de Weerwolven van Wakkerdam € 18.50 Spelshop.be
Het Grote Holland Weetjes Kwartet
Het Leven van een Loser
Het Ongelooflijke Dieren Circus € 16.50 Bol.com Partner
Het spel van Vos en Haas: Red het Ei € 28.49 Lotana
Het Spreekwoordenspel € 13.94 Bol.com
Het Spreekwoordenspel: Deel 2 € 13.44 Amazon.nl
Het Tafelskaartspel € 12.94 Bol.com
Het Verloren Meesterwerk € 20.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Het Woud € 32.99 Bol.com Partner
Hielenlikkers € 23.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
High Five € 28.99 Bol.com Partner
High School Drama
High Society
High Treason The Trial of Louis Riel July 1885 2nd Edition
Hippo € 17.45 Bol.com Partner
Hitlist € 14.75 The Summoner
Hoikkaido € 18.59 Amazon.nl
Holbewoner € 15.60 Spelshop.be
Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Holland Mini Memory € 13.99 Bol.com Partner
Holly Jolly € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Holly Oak € 30.99 CrowdFinder
Holmes: Sherlock vs. Moriarty € 20.90 BoardgameShop
Honshu € 19.99 Spelshop.be
Hoofd Hart Handen Kwartet
Hoogspanning: Het Kaartspel
Hostage Negotiator € 31.50 Spelshop.be
Hot Ones: Truth or Dab the Game
Hot Potato! € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Hot Seat € 20.00 Amazon.nl
House Pets Vs Aliens
How To Rob A Bank € 27.91 Amazon.nl
Huisdieren Weetjes Kwartet € 11.85 Bol.com Partner
Hula Hoo! € 14.94 Bol.com
Human Punishment Social Deduction 2.0
Hungry Monkey
Hunt the Ravager
Hunters of The Lost Creatures
Hygge € 14.49 Amazon.nl
I AM DONE € 21.44 Amazon.nl
I Want to Talk to the Manager € 22.48 Amazon.nl
Ice and the Sky € 21.74 Stoneboxer
If You Had To € 19.88 Gameshop Twente
Ik heb nog nooit € 22.90 Spellenhuis
Ik heb nog nooit: Meidenavond € 22.94 Bol.com
Ik wil koekjes!
iKnow All In € 24.19 Bol.com Partner
iKnow Hit List
iKNOW Nieuwe Editie € 24.99 Bol.com Partner
Iknow Uitvindingen
iKnow: De Wonderen Der Aarde € 14.96 Bol.com
iKnow: Europa
Illuminati Deluxe Edition
Illuminati Second Edition € 43.99 Amazon.nl
Ilos € 42.90 The Perfect Move
Imperial Settlers (ENG) € 36.88 Amazon.nl
Imperial Settlers (NL) € 40.45 Everspel
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North (ENG) € 41.03 Bol.com
Imperial Settlers: Empires of the North (NL) € 48.95 BoardgameShop
Imperium The Contention
Imperium: Classics € 34.14 Amazon.nl
Imperium: Horizons € 62.88 Spellenvariant
Imperium: Legends € 38.50 Spellenvariant
Import / Export € 45.94 Subcultures
Impractical Jokers: Box of Challenges € 26.74 Amazon.nl
In Between € 19.25 Spelshop.be
In Een Handomdraai Reiseditie € 15.98 Bol.com
In Een Handomdraai! € 24.98 Bol.com
In Naam van de Koning € 29.95 Bol.com Partner
In Tents The Camping Card Game
In Too Deep (Jolly Dutch) € 12.95 Bol.com Partner
Incohearent € 27.98 Bol.com
Incubation (ENG) € 28.90 BoardgameShop
Incubation (NL) € 28.53 Amazon.nl
Infernal Wagon € 19.90 Spellenhuis
Infernal Wagon (NL) € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Inis € 65.45 Everspel
Insecta: The Ladies of Entomology
Inside Job € 18.59 Stoneboxer
Insider € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Inspiratiespel € 39.45 Lotana
Internal Affairs € 24.99 Spelshop.be
Inuit: The Snow Folk
Invaders € 26.00 Bol.com Partner
Ironwood € 57.20 The Summoner
Is dat echt de wet € 17.94 Bol.com
Island Fortress € 21.00 Spelshop.be
Island Siege: Second Edition € 34.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (ENG) € 24.99 Amazon.nl
Isle of Trains: All Aboard (NL) € 30.90 The Perfect Move
Istanbul Choose and Write € 21.15 Amazon.nl
It's a Wonderful Kingdom (ENG) € 28.99 CrowdFinder
It's A Wonderful Kingdom (NL) € 25.98 Het Spelhuis
It's a Wonderful World (ENG)
It's a Wonderful World (NL) € 42.99 Bol.com Partner
Italiaans Taalkwartet € 13.44 Amazon.nl
Ivion: The Fox & the Forest
Ivion: The Hound And the Hare € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Ivion: The Knight And the Lady € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Ivion: The Sun And The Stars € 46.00 Spelshop.be
Ja, Nee, Misschien € 24.30 Lotana
JAB Realtime Boxing € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Jagen, Troeven en Slagen
Jaipur (ENG)
Jaipur (NL) € 19.13 Amazon.nl
Jakkiebak! Het Kaartspel
Jambo Kaartspel € 23.00 Spelshop.be
Jatten € 12.48 Amazon.nl
Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard (ENG)
Jekyll & Hyde vs Scotland Yard (NL) € 25.00 Spelgezel
Jij dacht mij te kennen € 17.94 Bol.com
Jokeren € 17.99 Bol.com Partner
Joking Hazard € 22.98 Amazon.nl
Jokkmokk: The Winter Market
Jolly & Roger € 19.95 Bol.com Partner
Jonge Dieren Memory € 11.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Joomo € 12.31 Bol.com Partner
Jouw Kwaliteiten! Spel € 24.45 Spellenrijk
Judge Dredd: The Cursed Earth € 25.03 Amazon.nl
Jump Drive € 31.50 Spelshop.be
Jump In € 19.94 Alternate
Jump In XXL € 46.50 Bol.com Partner
Jungle Joust
Jungle Race € 18.49 Amazon.nl
Jungle Race: Hear My Motor Roar € 12.00 Spelshop.be
Jungle Speed (Rode Basisversie)
Jungle Speed (Witte Basisversie)
Jungle Speed Beach € 19.99 Intertoys
Jungle Speed Bertone
Jungle Speed GMS
Jungle Speed Mini: Dark € 9.00 Spelshop.be
Jungle Speed Mini: Zilver
Jungle Speed: Kids € 20.58 Amazon.nl
Jungle Speed: Safari
Jungle Tribe € 24.45 Spellenrijk
Jungle Trip € 14.94 Bol.com
JungleLife Weetjes Kwartet € 10.70 Bol.com Partner
Junta: Las Cartas
Just Desserts
Kaarten Kniffel € 15.99 Spelshop.be
Kakkerlakkenpoker € 8.28 Amazon.nl
Kakkerlakkenpoker Royale
Kakkerlakkensalade € 15.48 Amazon.nl
Kaleva € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Kamasutra The Game
Kami € 16.61 Bol.com Partner
Kang-A-Roo € 16.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Karak Goblin (ENG) € 20.71 Amazon.nl
Karak Goblin (NL) € 19.90 De Spelletjes Vrienden
Kariba € 14.49 Amazon.nl
Kat & Co miauw
Kawaii € 17.74 AAN! Tafel
Keep Calm
Keezen € 29.99 Bol.com Partner
Kenniskids: Ik Leer Lezen
Kenniskids: Ik Leer Rekenen
Kennismakingsspel € 24.95 Amazon.nl
Keuzespel € 31.48 Het Spelhuis
Key Flow € 36.00 Spelgezel
Keystone: North America
Kibble Scuffle
Kiki Koekoek
Kikker Junior Kwartet € 8.98 Bol.com
Kill Shakespeare € 44.80 Spelshop.be
Kill the Unicorns € 36.95 Bol.com Partner
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot - Blue Starter Deck
Killer Bunnies and the Quest for the Magic Carrot LITE
Kim-Joy's Magic Bakery
Kinfire Delve: Scorn's Stockade € 24.49 CrowdFinder
Kinfire Delve: Vainglory's Grotto € 24.49 CrowdFinder
King of the Creepies € 17.70 Spelshop.be
King's Life € 29.50 Spellenvariant
Kingdoms Rise & Fall: Dorian
Kings Struggle € 26.00 Spelshop.be
Kip-Koe-Koning € 13.74 Bol.com Partner
Kipit € 19.48 Amazon.nl
Kippig € 16.25 The Summoner
Kite Fight
Kites € 20.99 CrowdFinder
Kites (NL) € 19.99 Intertoys
Kitten Klash
Klaverjassen € 13.34 Bol.com
Kleuter Kwartet € 8.94 Top1Toys
Klink € 14.98 Bol.com
Klompen, Drop en Tulpen € 24.98 Het Spelhuis
Klus Geklaard
Klussen met Koeien (Handy Cows) € 11.59 Spelshop.be
Knight Tales
Knock Knock Dungeon € 14.50 Spelshop.be